December 2003 | ||
International mobile roaming Grimbergen, 9 December BELTUG |
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A user view of convergence Seoul, 4 December KISDI |
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November 2003 | ||
Leased lines Geneva, November ITU-T Study Group 3 |
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Corporate telecommunications
networks Geneva, November ITU-T Study Group 3 |
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Past, present and future
competition in telecommunications markets; users' assessments Køge, 7 November LIRNE, IRG, Regulatel training course |
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Market structure, entry
conditions, competitive standards and enforcement Køge, 5 November World Dialogue on Regulation (WDR), Expert Forum |
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Benchmarks as performance
indicators Køge, 4 November LIRNE, training course |
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October 2003 | ||
the implementation process Berlin, 28 October WiK The Changing European Regulatory Framework |
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Satisfying the customer Geneva, 14 October ITU Telecom '03 Forum |
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Integrating consumers into
the regulatory process Geneva, 13 October ITU Telecom '03 Forum |
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ICTs and economic growth Paris, 1 October OECD CIBE/ICCP Global Forum on ICTs and economic growth |
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September 2003 | ||
Performance indicators La Antiqua, 11 September LIRNE, IRG, Regulatel training course |
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Competition and services
development La Antigua, 10 September LIRNE, IRG, Regulatel training course |
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User issues in global telecoms Bogota, 4 September IVth Telecommunications Conference |
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The role of the user group Bogota, 3 September ASUCOM meeting |
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August 2003 | ||
Unbundling the local loop Wellington, 26 August TUANZ |
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Broadband and developing the
economy Brisbane, 20 August Queensland Communications and Information Advisory Board |
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June 2003 | ||
Perspectives for broadband
and wireless developments in the light of East Asia developments Copenhagen, 26 June Danmarks Tekniske Universitet |
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Mobile telecommunications;
international developments Copenhagen, 25 June European VPN Users Association - EVUA |
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Competition law and telecom
users Leuven, 20 June KU Leuven Competition Law conference |
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May 2003 | ||
Cellular telecoms; markets
failures Washington, DC, 29 May Federal Communications Commission |
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The effect of regulating
roaming rates London, 27 May IBC Mobile telecommunications Conference |
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Are mobile operators
delivering? London, 20 May FT Mobile Telecommunications Conference |
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April 2003 | ||
The role of wireless in
broadband delivery Washington, DC, 28 April NARUC/NECA National Broadband Summit |
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Telecommunications; issues for users Washington, DC, 25 April Federal Communications Commission |
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health of the telecommunications sector Washington, DC, 25 April Federal Communications Commission |
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work on broadband and mobile telecommunications Washington, DC, 23 April Ad Hoc Telecommunications Users Committee |
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Broadband, content and
business models Geneva, 10 April ITU Workshop: Promoting broadband |
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March 2003 | ||
and regulation: issues for global best practice Sydney, 10 March ATUG |
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and remote telecommunications: global best practice Sydney, 7 March ATUG Regional and Remote Services |
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scorecard for Australia; the broadband ashes Sydney, 6 March ATUG 2003 |
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telecommunications Melbourne, 3 March RMIT |
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February 2003 | ||
of market recovery, or signs of market consolidation Hong Kong, SAR, 24 February Telecoms Infotech Forum (TIF) |
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Internet Johannesburg, 20 February ICASA |
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developments in the regulation of mobile telecommunications Johannesburg, 19 February University of the Witswatersrand - LINK Centre |
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developments in telecommunications regulation Johannesburg, 19 February Department of Communications |
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from liberalisation Johannesburg, 18 February CUASA |
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January 2003 | ||
telecommunications: competition and cartels Regensburg, 30 January Universität Regensburg, Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik |
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and privacy: policy issues Zurich, 22 January EVUA-INTUG Joint Meeting |
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competition and infrastructure Honolulu, 15-17 January OECD APEC Global Forum |
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