December 2007 |
text | The review of the European Union telecommunications legislative package 5 December, London Westminster eForum |
November 2007 |
slides | The EU 2008 Roaming Review 29 September, Budapest TPRC - Telecommunications Policy Research Conference |
slides | International Mobile Roaming 20 November, Budapest European Parliament - Hearing on Roaming |
slides | The independence of regulators 8 November, Istanbul EC - South East Europe Telecommunications Regulation |
September 2007 |
slides | The Scramble for Africa - Mobile telecommunications 29 September, Washington DC TPRC - Telecommunications Policy Research Conference |
slides | Needs of users in an NGN world 25 September, Jakarta infoDev - Next Generation Networks |
July 2007 |
slides | Evolution or Creationism? 27 July, Gold Coast ACCC - Regulatory conference |
June 2007 |
slides | Mobile telecommunications - recent developments 29 June, Budapest EVUA - Mobilising the Enterprise |
slides | Broadband - recent developments 15 June, Helsinki 6th Conference of Telecommunications Techno-Economics |
slides | International mobile roaming 13 June, Helsinki Seminar for EVUA Finland |
March 2007 |
slides | Broadband - recent developments 26 March, Windhoek Communications Regulators Association of Southern Africa |
February 2007 |
slides | Fixed Mobile Convergence 5 February, Dubai ITU-D 7th Global Symposium for Regulators |
January 2007 |
slides | Broadband - recent developments 4 January, Vientiane Seminar for Department of Posts and Telecommunications |
slides | Mobile - recent developments 4 January, Vientiane Seminar for Department of Posts and Telecommunications |
slides | Convergence - policy developments 4 January, Vientiane Seminar for Department of Posts and Telecommunications |
slides | The future of voice - customer issues 16 January, Geneva ITU New Initiatives Seminar - The future of voice |
slides | Spectrum - lessons from Europe 23 January, Geneva ITU New Initiative Seminar - Management of spectrum |