TMGT 632 - Telecommunications management and strategy

Business creation

We discussed in class on saturday question relating to business start-ups and venture capital. Inevitably, this raises the question of how easy or difficult it is to set up a business.

The World Bank has been active in collecting data and in encouraging reform.
Imagine having a company in Sierra Leone where if you paid all your business taxes, it would eat up 164 percent of your company’s gross profit. Or imagine being in Syria, where you’re expected to put up at least US$61,000 in capital – 51 times the average annual income – to register a business. Perhaps try Mozambique – where an entrepreneur must go through 14 separate procedures over 153 days to register a new business. In Lao PDR, the start-up procedures take 198 days. By contrast, in Australia it takes 2 days.

See Doing Business home page